© 2017 John Lucas

The anchoress at All hallows London Wall, for whom the sum of 4 marks was received by the wardens of the church from the bishop of London in 1459,  was succeeded in a year or two by an anchorite, William Lucas, who died about 1486. The accounts of this church contain some interesting details concerning recluses of this kind. In these they figure not only as the recipients of charity but as contributors to the church.

Among other sums given by Lucas are 3s. 4d. to church work, 2s. 8d. to 'ye makyng of ye new bolles of laton of ye beme,' and 3s. 4d. for painting the church. Simon, to whom the cell was granted after Lucas' death, gave to the church on one occasion a stand of ale, on another 32s. towards the new aisle, and in 1500–1 he presented a chalice weighing 8 oz.

An anchorite's servant probably had to be useful in many ways, for a payment is recorded to Simon's servant for plastering the church wall. Simon the Anker was the author of a treatise called The Fruit of Redemption, printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1514. Since in 1532 a grant of the next presentation was made by the Court of Common Council to an alderman, it must be concluded that the advowson of the cell then belonged to the City. It appears to have been suppressed in 1538, the Anker-house being given to the City sword bearer.


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The present church was constructed by George Dance the Younger in 1767